Sunday, March 14, 2010

True Love

It was very exciting around here yesterday. It was like having a teenager in the house.

Got up early in anticipation of our friend arriving (had to furiously clean up the place!). She was bringing her dog, Clancy. He is a ten year old little a cotton ball. Our dog, Sophie, fell for him when she was very young, probably the first 'outside' dog she met.

Well, they both bonded from day one and whenever they anticipate one another's visit they get all squirrelly. Like adolescents. Sophie waited for two hours by the window....looking for a car to pull into the driveway. Of course in the meantime, we were scurrying around like two madmen. She was very calm!!

Finally, a car pulled in and there was Clancy staring up into the window along with his human. After all the hysterical greetings between the dogs, we humans settled down with a coffee.

Having caught up on stuff ,we headed to the beach for some fun with the dogs. We jumped into one car. First Clancy, knowing this routine from past experiences, began to make these very strange throaty noises. His human said that he was doing this all the way to our place. And Sophie, being her 'doodle' self, joined in the chorus! It was hilarious.

Got to the beach and onto the shore they ran. There was only a small area of sand due to some very high tides which brought in a lot of rock. We decided to get up onto the beach trail on the other side of the dunes. That was OK with the mutts. As long as they had a space to run after each and 'catch up' on each other's smell, they didn't care where they were.

Had the trail all to ourselves. Never understood why this trail is so underused. Not complaining mind you.

After about an hour, the dogs (and humans) were showing signs that it was time for a rest (lunch). We headed to our friends cottage down the shore a bit. On the way, the dogs settled into the back seat next to each other...both very content and at ease. They are real buddies.

You know how one feels when they are in the company of someone they admire and respect? Well, Sophie and Clancy have that kind of relationship when they spend some time together. They do not feel threatened and they know they are safe. What could be better!

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