Monday, November 4, 2013

Contemplative Monday

The following quote is from 'Heart Advice, Weekly Quotes From Pema Chodron'.


"Not acting on our habitual patterns is only the first step toward
not harming others or ourselves.

The transformative process begins at a deeper level when we
contact the rawness we're left with whenever we refrain.

As a way with working with our aggressive tendencies,
Dzigar Kongtrul (click) teaches the nonviolent practice of simmering.

He says that rather than "boil in our aggression like a piece
of meat cooking in a soup", we simmer in it.

We allow ourselves to wait, to sit patiently with the urge to act
or speak in our usual ways and feel the full force of that urge
without turning away or giving in.

Neither repressing nor rejecting, we stay in the middle
between the two extremes,

in the middle between yes and no, true and false.

This is the journey of developing a kindhearted 
and courageous tolerance for our pain."

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